Reading, Writing, etc.

Assignments and Handouts

25/01/2011 09:01

Essay of Opposing Ideas-Final copy

Drafts will be returned on Thursday Final copies of essays are due on Monday, Jan 31   Homework for Thursday: Read the essay of Argumentation on page 223-224 Answer the questions under "respond to the Reading" on pg 224


24/01/2011 11:11

Essays of Opposition Due Tuesday

Drafts of your essays of opposing ideas should be turned in on Tuesday, Jan. 25 We will be looking at them in class so if you do not have your draft, you will miss out!     1) you won't get marks for classwork for Tuesday     2) you will  not get the chance to...


19/01/2011 15:46

Essay of Opposing Ideas- outline of work

Write a thesis statement and opening paragraphs (1-2) for Thursday Jan. 20 Follow the sample procedure outlined in the textbook on pg 173 to form your thesis sentence Follow the suggestions on page 177 for what to include in the  beginning paragraphs of your essay   For Monday, Jan...


19/01/2011 08:19

Vocabulary and Grammar January 17-20

Re-Test on Vocabulary = Thursday January 20 Information and Practice exercises for Infinitive phrases can be found under the GRAMMAR HELP link on the laft-hand menu
