Reading, Writing, etc.

Friday, Nov. 11-HW for 11/14-15

11/11/2011 14:13

With only 2 students in class, we could not tackle much new work, but we did review the assignments that had been made for the closure period and give the students presentin class a chance to get credit for a couple of those.


we also reviewed the vocabulary for taking off the F's and did a written vocabulary activity.


What to do to get ready for next week

The handout for Taking Off the F's posted last week actually has 3 articles in the file.  The assigned article "Taking off the F's" is only 2 pages long.   That is the one you were to answer questions on.  The 3rd article, West Potomac High Reverses grading Policies"  is your ssignment for next week.

On Wednesay we will have a socratic group discussion on the topic of grades and F's.  You must read and make notes on the articles to prepare for the discussion.  Everyone should prepare at leasst 2 questions you can ask that will generate discussion.


